Help the poor and needy
You shall not attain righteousness until you spend out of what you love (in the way of Allah). Allah knows whatever you spend. (3:92)
Reason of this Page
We added this page on insistence of many people who ask us that they want to pay the fee of deserving student(s), they want to help the poor and needy people etc.
For the Pleasure of Allah took this extra responsibility to serve the people and particularly to please Allah subḥānahu wa ta’āla. We help to deliver the donations on lowest administrative cost.
Where to spend
- Sponsor deserving student(s) learning Quran
- Feed the Hungry people
- Help someone/family for small business. For example donation of livestock.
- Improvement of Institution
- Any good cause specified by the donor is not associated with any regional, religious or political organization. We work on First-come, First-Served basis.